Peter Mosier

Authentic. Bankable. Creative.

How to Prolong Your Life: The Winning Combination of Cardio and Weights

A healthy person performs biceps dumbbells curls while his skeleton glows visibly.

**Incorporating both resistance training and aerobic exercise** is the key to prolonging life, according to research. Combining weightlifting and cardio can lead to a nearly 50 percent reduction in mortality risk. Even if you’re unable to meet the recommended exercise duration, any movement is better than none, and your body will benefit from this winning combination in the long run.

Unlocking the Secrets of Omega-3s: Your Guide to Preserving and Gaining Muscle Health

Omega-3 fatty acids may play a crucial role in muscle maintenance and growth during inactivity, as suggested by recent research. Studies show taking EPA and DHA can prevent muscle loss over short periods and even increase muscle mass during extended periods of little movement. While particularly impactful for inactive individuals, the effects on active people remain an open question. Additionally, omega-3s offer cardiovascular benefits, making them a dual-purpose supplement.

Debunking the 20-Gram Myth: Unleashing the Power of Protein Absorption in Your Muscles

A fish steak grilled to perfection is plated next to a lemon wedge.

A new study challenges the notion that the body can only use 20 grams of protein post-workout, suggesting a capability for utilizing much higher amounts for muscle synthesis over 12 hours. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s email highlights this research, noting meal frequency is less important than total protein intake for achieving fitness goals, while recognizing the need for further research on long-term effects and varying protein sources.